English translation for "projecting lens"
- 投影透镜
Related Translations:
project: vt.1.投掷,抛出;发射(炮弹等);喷射。2.使突出,使凸出。3.设计,规划,计划,打算,筹划。4.投影;于…上映。5.【数学】作…的投影图;把…画成投影状。6.表明…的特点;生动地表演。7.【心理学】使(思想、感情)形象化[具体化]。8.【化学】投入 (into on)。短语和例子project motion pictures on the screen 放电影。 pr projects: 各国电子佛典计画立法会议员研究新机场及有关工程财政事宜小组企划实例项目法项目设计绣图区 projecting: adj.突出的,凸出的。 a projecting eye 凸眼。 a projecting tooth 暴牙。 bertrand lens: (偏光显微镜观察用)伯特兰镜头勃氏镜伯特兰镜头(偏光显微镜观察用)伯特兰透镜伯特朗透镜脑干电反应听力测验法
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | In the diagram, the outer portions of the projecting lens serve no useful purpose . 在图上,放映透镜较外侧部分未能加以利用。 | | 2. | The focal length of the conelensing lens should be such that the image of the source just fills the projecting lens . 聚光透镜的焦距应使光源的像正好照满放映透镜。 |
- Similar Words:
- "projecting keel" English translation, "projecting knob" English translation, "projecting lamp" English translation, "projecting lantern" English translation, "projecting lantern slide" English translation, "projecting lever" English translation, "projecting line" English translation, "projecting lines" English translation, "projecting lips and a sunken nose" English translation, "projecting load" English translation